Summer institute to focus on Building a People of Praise

I Am Building a People of Praise will be the theme of the fourth annual Our Lady of Pentecost Summer Institute, to be held Aug. 11-16 in Kelowna.

The Catholic discipleship and leadership formation event will hold its main sessions in a new location, Immaculate Conception Church on Sutherland Avenue. Accom-modation will be at Seton House of Prayer.

The institute is aimed at charismatic leaders and all those interested in a deeper growth in spiritual life, from anywhere in B.C. and beyond. It is sponsored by the Nelson Diocese Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service Committee and endorsed by Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services of B.C., the provincial service committee.

Featured speakers will be Catholic lay evangelist John Connelly of Burns Lake. B.C.; Sylvester Ibekwe, a seminarian of the Nelson diocese; and Gladys Miller, chair of the diocesan service committee. Co-ordinators are Linda Adams, Bernadette Barry and Piera Quarenghi, with Flo Reid as master of ceremonies, Fr. Don Wilson as host and Gladys Miller and Johanna Tournemille leading music.

In addition to two-a-day talks from the guest speakers, followed by panel discussions or other group activities, the institute will offer devotional events most evenings, and the sacrament of reconciliation at lunchtime Tuesday to Thursday. Opening Mass will be Sunday evening, Aug. 11, and closing ceremony and commissioning Friday morning.

John Connelly is head of God’s Revolution Today, a multi-media ministry, as well as a popular speaker at charismatic confer-ences, a newspaper columnist, and a musician and songwriter. He teaches in a workshop style and tries to inspire people with practical tools they can use to grow in their personal life mission. He has spoken at two previous summer institutes.

His topics are The Great Catholic Renewal, The Renewal of Praise, and the two-part Jesus Living in Us Today.

Sylvester Ibekwe received his early formation from the Capuchin friars in Nigeria, and also studied theology there. He is currently attending St. Joseph Seminary and completing his master of divinity degree at Newman Theological College, both in Edmonton.

He will speak on Discovering the Joy of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Is a Consistent Ethic of Life Still Possible in Our Day?

Gladys Miller has been in the Catholic charismatic renewal since 1976 and is chair of the diocesan service committee as well as leader of the People of Peace praise group in Grand Forks. She was chief organizer of the first summer institute in 2009 and has served as featured speaker, master of ceremonies, and in the music ministry on various occasions.

Her talks will cover Praise-Faith-Trust (Psalm 148:13) and Praise Is Our Weapon (2 Cor 10:4).

Scheduled evening devotional events, in addition to Sunday’s opening Mass, are a healing Mass on the Monday, living rosary Tuesday, and praise music Thursday. Wednesday evening is set aside as free time.

Cost of the institute is $350 ($400 after June 15) for all sessions, meals, and accommodation at Seton House; $250 “commuter rate” for all sessions plus lunch and dinner; or $75 per day with lunch and dinner. For registration, contact Maria McManus at 250-707-1423, email, or write to 22-2035 Boucherie Rd., Westbank BC V4T 1Z6. Fees must accom-pany registration to hold rooms at Seton House.

Billeting may also be available.

Clergy and religious are invited to attend the institute without charge, but must register in advance. Housing for clergy is available in local rectories.

Immaculate Conception Church is near downtown Kelowna, about two miles north of the previous location, St. Charles Garnier parish.

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